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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal adaptive immunity +   
abnormal antigen presentation +   
abnormal cell-mediated immunity +   
abnormal humoral immune response +   
abnormal hypersensitivity reaction +   
abnormal immune cell physiology +   
abnormal immune organ physiology +   
abnormal immune serum protein physiology +   
abnormal immune tolerance +   
anomaly in the process that directly activates any of the steps required for tolerance, a physiologic state in which the immune system does not react destructively against the components of an organism that harbors it or against antigens that are introduced to it
abnormal immunoglobulin transcytosis  
abnormal inflammatory response +   
abnormal innate immunity +   
abnormal lymphatic system physiology +   
abnormal response to antigen +   
abnormal response to transplant +   

Definition Sources: GO:0002507,

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