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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal aorta wall morphology +   
abnormal aortic mass  
abnormal aortic weight +   
abnormal descending aorta morphology +   
abnormal thoracic aorta morphology +   
aorta coarctation +   
aorta hypoplasia +   
aorta pulmonary collateral arteries +   
aorta stenosis +   
aortic cartilaginous metaplasia 
aortic dissection  
a pathologic process, characterized by splitting of the media layer of the aorta, which leads to formation of a dissecting aneurysm
aortic hypertrophy  
aortopulmonary window  
calcified aorta +   
dilated aorta +   
increased aorta tortuosity 
interrupted aorta +   

Definition Sources:

paths to the root