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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal coronal suture morphology +   
abnormal lambdoid suture morphology +   
abnormal metopic suture morphology +   
abnormal sagittal suture morphology +   
abnormal sphenosquamosal suture morphology 
abnormal squamoparietal suture morphology 
any structural anomaly of the dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the squamous part of the temporal bone and the inferior aspect of the parietal bone; posteriorly, the squamous suture becomes the parietomastoid suture where the mastoid process articulates with the parietal bone; anteriorly, the squamous suture extends towards the pterion
cranial suture sclerosis +   
wide cranial sutures +   
Wormian bones  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal squamo-parietal suture morphology ;   abnormal squamosal suture morphology ;   abnormal squamous suture morphology
Definition Sources:,, ISBN:0803606559

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