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Ontology Browser

abnormal inferior olivary complex morphology (MP:0003684)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal hypoglossal nucleus morphology  
abnormal inferior olivary complex morphology  
any structural anomaly in the capsule-shaped structure in the ventral medulla located just lateral and dorsal to the medullary pyramids; neurons in the inferior olivary nucleus are the source of climbing fiber input to the cerebellar cortex and have been implicated in various functions, such as learning and timing of movements
abnormal medulla oblongata anterior median fissure morphology +   
abnormal pre-Botzinger complex morphology  
abnormal retrotrapezoid nucleus morphology  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal inferior olivary nucleus morphology ;   abnormal inferior olive morphology ;   abnormal oliva morphology
Definition Sources: ISBN:0838580343

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