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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal circulating glycerol level +   
abnormal urine glycerol level +   
decreased glycerol level +   
high carcass lipid 
increased anandamide level  
increased bile salt level +   
increased circulating phospholipid level +   
increased fatty acids level +   
increased ganglioside level  
increased glycerol level +   
elevated level of trihydroxy sugar alcohols that are precursors for synthesis of triacylglycerols, and of phospholipids and cellular glucose in the liver and adipose tissue; fat catabolism results in the release of glycerol and fatty acids into the bloodstream to be used as an energy source
increased glycerophosphocholine level  
increased leukotriene level  
increased plasmalogen level +   
increased sterol level +   
increased sulfoglycosphingolipid level +  
increased thromboxane level  
increased triglyceride level +   
increased urine corticosterone level  

Definition Sources:

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