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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal falciform ligament morphology +   
abnormal hepatic cord morphology  
abnormal intrahepatic bile duct morphology +   
abnormal liver cholesterol level +   
abnormal liver copper level +   
abnormal liver development +   
abnormal liver glycogen level +   
abnormal liver iron level +   
abnormal liver manganese level +   
abnormal liver parenchyma morphology +   
abnormal liver size +   
abnormal liver triglyceride level +   
abnormal liver vasculature morphology +   
abnormal liver zinc level  
absent liver  
decreased liver free fatty acids level  
decreased susceptibility to hepatic steatosis +   
hepatic necrosis +   
hepatic steatosis +   
herniated liver  
increased liver free fatty acids level  
increased susceptibility to hepatic steatosis +   
liver abscess  
liver cirrhosis  
liver disease in which the occurrence of fibrotic nodules cause diffuse damage to parenchymal cells, disruptions in microcirculation, vascular anatomy and hepatic architecture, resulting in hepatic dysfunction and ultimately, hepatic failure
liver cyst  
liver degeneration  
liver fibrosis  
pale liver  

Exact Synonyms: cirrhosis of liver ;   hepatic cirrhosis
Narrow Synonyms: alcoholic liver cirrhosis ;   hepatitis C induced liver cirrhosis
Broad Synonyms: alcoholic liver disease
Xrefs: EFO:0001422 ;   EFO:0005129 ;   EFO:0008573 ;   EFO:1000802
Definition Sources:, ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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