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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal spleen capsule morphology  
abnormal spleen development +   
abnormal spleen iron level +   
abnormal spleen perifollicular zone morphology 
abnormal spleen red pulp morphology +   
abnormal spleen size +   
abnormal spleen trabecular artery morphology 
abnormal spleen trabecular vein morphology 
abnormal spleen white pulp morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the parenchymatous tissue of the spleen that surrounds splenic blood vessels, consists of compact masses of lymphatic cells and is where foreign material removed from the blood is used to initiate an immune reaction that results in the production of antibodies
abnormal splenic cell ratio  
abnormal splenocyte morphology +   
absent spleen  
accessory spleen  
ectopic spleen 
pale spleen  
spleen fibrosis  
spleen vascular congestion  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal splenic white pulp morphology
Definition Sources:

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