any structural anomaly of the granular and roughly cuboidal cells typically found at the alveolar-septal junction that modulate the fluid surrounding the alveolar epithelium by secreting and recycling surfactants, and also contribute to tissue repair and can differentiate after injury into a type I pneumocyte; type II cells cover a much smaller surface area than type I cells (less than 5 percent), but are much more numerous and contain lamellar bodies on the apical surface where surfactant is stored
abnormal AT2 morphology
abnormal ATII morphology
abnormal Cuboidal type II cell morphology
abnormal Great alveolar cells morphology
abnormal Lung type 2 cells morphology
abnormal Lung type II cells morphology
abnormal TII morphology
abnormal granular pneumocytes morphology
abnormal type 2 alveolar epithelial cells morphology
abnormal type 2 alveolocytes morphology
abnormal type 2 pneumocyte morphology
abnormal type II alveolar epithelial cells morphology
abnormal type II alveolocytes morphology
abnormal type II cells morphology
abnormal type II pneumocytes morphology
abnormal type II pneumonocytes morphology