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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal airway basal cell differentiation  
abnormal Bergmann glial cell differentiation  
abnormal dendritic cell differentiation +   
abnormal DNA methylation during gametogenesis  
abnormal enterocyte differentiation  
abnormal fat cell differentiation +   
abnormal germ cell morphology +   
abnormal granulocyte differentiation +   
abnormal keratinocyte differentiation  
abnormal megakaryocyte differentiation  
abnormal meiosis +   
abnormal melanocyte differentiation  
abnormal mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in lung development  
abnormal mononuclear cell differentiation +   
abnormal myoblast differentiation  
abnormal myofibroblast differentiation +   
abnormal myotube differentiation +   
abnormal neuron differentiation +   
abnormal oogenesis +   
atypical formation or failure to form the female germ cells
abnormal organ of Corti supporting cell differentiation +   
abnormal osteoblast differentiation +   
abnormal osteoclast differentiation  
abnormal pancreatic alpha cell differentiation  
abnormal pancreatic beta cell differentiation  
abnormal pancreatic delta cell differentiation  
abnormal pancreatic epsilon cell differentiation  
abnormal PP cell differentiation  
abnormal sperm number +   
abnormal spermatogenesis +   
abnormal vascular endothelial cell differentiation  
impaired granulosa cell differentiation  
impaired luteal cell differentiation  
impaired neural crest cell differentiation +   
transmission ratio distortion  

Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8, J:35782

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