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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal cochlear sensory neuron innervation pattern +   
abnormal inner ear vestibular sensory neuron innervation pattern  
abnormal mammary gland sensory innervation pattern  
abnormal olfactory neuron innervation pattern  
abnormal optic chiasm morphology +   
abnormal optic disk morphology +   
abnormal optic nerve innervation  
misprojection or aberrant target finding of the second cranial nerve which is responsible for conveying visual information from the retina to the brain
abnormal retinal sensory neuron innervation pattern 
abnormal skin sensory neuron innervation pattern  
absent optic nerve  
enlarged optic nerve  
optic nerve coloboma  
optic nerve compression 
optic nerve cupping  
optic nerve degeneration  
optic nerve swelling  
optic neuropathy  
small optic nerve +   

Exact Synonyms: optic nerve innervation abnormalities
Alternate IDs: MP:0001060
Definition Sources:

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