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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal Bowman membrane morphology  
abnormal cornea endothelium morphology +   
abnormal cornea epithelium morphology +   
abnormal cornea size +   
abnormal cornea stroma morphology +   
abnormal Descemet membrane morphology +   
abnormal lens induction +   
abnormal optic placode morphology +   
absent cornea  
anterior iris synechia  
cornea abrasion  
cornea astigmatism 
cornea degeneration +  
cornea deposits  
cornea opacity +   
cornea perforation  
cornea scarring  
cornea ulcer  
cornea vascularization  
corneal-lenticular stalk  
fused cornea and lens  
condition in which the transparent anterior portion of the fibrous coat of the eye is joined to the transparent biconvex cellular refractive structure lying between the iris and vitreous humor of the eye
lens vacuoles  

Exact Synonyms: cornea and lens fusion ;   cornea/lens fusion ;   fused cornea/lens
Alternate IDs: MP:0001315
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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