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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal bile duct development  
abnormal falciform ligament morphology +   
abnormal hepatic cord morphology  
abnormal hepatic diverticulum morphology +   
abnormal hepatoblast morphology +   
abnormal intrahepatic bile duct morphology +   
abnormal liver cholesterol level +   
abnormal liver copper level +   
abnormal liver development +   
any anomaly in the differentiation of the bile-secreting organ that is important for detoxification, for fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism, and for glycogen storage
abnormal liver glycogen level +   
abnormal liver iron level +   
abnormal liver manganese level +   
abnormal liver parenchyma morphology +   
abnormal liver size +   
abnormal liver triglyceride level +   
abnormal liver vasculature morphology +   
abnormal liver zinc level  
absent liver  
decreased liver free fatty acids level  
decreased susceptibility to hepatic steatosis +   
hepatic necrosis +   
hepatic steatosis +   
herniated liver  
increased liver free fatty acids level  
increased susceptibility to hepatic steatosis +   
liver abscess  
liver cirrhosis  
liver cyst  
liver degeneration  
liver fibrosis  
pale liver  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal hepatic development
Definition Sources:, ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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