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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal anterior longitudinal ligament morphology 
abnormal coccyx morphology  
abnormal costovertebral joint morphology +   
abnormal intervertebral disk morphology +   
abnormal posterior longitudinal ligament morphology  
abnormal sacrum morphology  
abnormal spine curvature +   
abnormal vertebrae morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the bony segments of the spinal column
elongated vertebral column  
short vertebral column  
spinal stenosis  

Exact Synonyms: Abnormal vertebral morphology ;   vertebra defect ;   vertebral anomaly
Narrow Synonyms: vertebra dysplasia
Broad Synonyms: abnormal vertebra
Alternate IDs: MP:0001538
Xrefs: Fyler:4108 ;   HP:0003468
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8

paths to the root