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Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
multiphase pCASL MRI 
Multiphase pCASL is a variant of ASL where instead of acquiring the traditional label and control images, images are acquired following labeling with radio-frequency (RF) pulses at multiple phase increments. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion is a MRI technique to quantify tissue blood flow. ASL is a non-invasive technique that labels the protons in the arterial blood by radiofrequency pulses, without the exogenous injection of contrast media.

Exact Synonyms: MP pCASL ;   arterial spin labelling (ASL) MRI ;   arterial spin labelling magnetic resonance imaging ;   multiphase pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling magnetic resonance imaging
Xrefs: PMID:29498562
Definition Sources:, PMID:29498562

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