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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
confocal microscopy +  
A type of fluorescence microscopy where sharp images are taken by excluding most of the light from the specimen that is not from the microscope's focal plane, thus allowing better contrast and less haze, which makes it possible to build three-dimensional reconstructions of a volume of the specimen by assembling a series of thin slices taken along the vertical axis.
ex vivo light microscopy with digital image analysis +   
ex vivo light microscopy with histochemistry +   
ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry +   
ex vivo light microscopy with inverted microscope 
ex vivo linear measurement method using light microscopy 
ex vivo stereo light microscopy +   
ex vivo videomicroscopy 
in vivo light microscopy with digital image analysis +  
in vivo stereo light microscopy +  
in vivo television microscopy 

Narrow Synonyms: CLSM ;   LCSM ;   confocal laser scanning microscopy ;   laser confocal scanning microscopy
Definition Sources: ECO:0005587,

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