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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Aqueous humor viral DNA positivity 
Demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in wound tissue 
Demonstration of Leishmania in tissue 
Fungal hair infection 
Demonstration of fungi growing on hair by a method such as microscopy of hairs mounted on slides with 10% potassium hydroxide.
Intestinal worm 
Nematode in retina 
Positive blood infectious agent test +   
Positive brain-tissue rabies nucleic acid test 
Positive CSF infectious agent test +  
Positive gastric CMV intranuclear inclusions 
Positive oropharangeal infectious agent test +  
Positive peritoneal fluid bacterial culture 
Positive respiratory tract infectious agent test +   
Positive skin infectious agent test +  
Positive stool infectious agent test +  
Positive synonvial fluid infectious agent test +  
Positive tissue coccidioidomycosis culture 
Positive tissue encapsulated budding yeast test 
Positive tuberculin skin test 
Positive urine infectious agent nucleic acid test +  
Scrotal worm 

Exact Synonyms: Fungal infection of hair
Definition Sources: PMID:29494084, PMID:31424762, PMID:32644450

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