Demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in wound tissue
Demonstration of Leishmania in tissue
Fungal hair infection
Intestinal worm
Presence of one or more adult worms in the intestine as demonstrated by sonography or passage of a worm in the stool. On sonography, worms may appear as linear, echogenic structures within the intestines.
Nematode in retina
Positive blood infectious agent test +
Positive brain-tissue rabies nucleic acid test
Positive CSF infectious agent test +
Positive gastric CMV intranuclear inclusions
Positive oropharangeal infectious agent test +
Positive peritoneal fluid bacterial culture
Positive respiratory tract infectious agent test +
Positive skin infectious agent test +
Positive stool infectious agent test +
Positive synonvial fluid infectious agent test +
Positive tissue coccidioidomycosis culture
Positive tissue encapsulated budding yeast test
Positive tuberculin skin test
Positive urine infectious agent nucleic acid test +