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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Erythema +     
Erythema marginatum 
An erythematous (pink-red, depending on the skin color of the affected individual) macule that spreads peripherally and coalesces to form polycyclic or serpentine patches or plaques. Lesions occur in crops over days to weeks and are evanescent. The rate of migration is 2 to 12 mm over a period of a few hours. Erythema marginatum tends to affect the trunk more than the extremities and to not be accompanied by pruritus.
Erythema migrans  
Eyelid erythema 
Facial erythema  
Migratory erythematous plaque 
Necrolytic migratory erythema  
Palmoplantar erythema  
Perianal erythema  
Perioral erythema  
Shawl sign 

Definition Sources: PMID:32491767

paths to the root