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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal appendicular skeleton morphology +   
Abnormal axial skeleton morphology +   
Abnormal bone structure +   
Abnormal cartilage morphology +   
Abnormal fetal skeletal morphology +   
Abnormal growth plate morphology +   
Abnormal hyoid bone morphology  
Abnormal joint morphology +   
Abnormal mandibular symphysis morphology 
Abnormal nasal skeleton morphology +   
Abnormal periosteum morphology +   
Abnormal synovial bursa morphology +   
Abnormal tendon morphology +   
Aplasia/hypoplasia involving the skeleton +   
Bone fracture +   
Bone marrow edema 
Brown tumor 
A brown tumor is a bone lesion that results from bony resorption by excess osteoclastic activity, and replacement by fibrous tissue and giant cells. Brown tumor is an uncommon pathognomonic sign of hyperparathyroidism.
Dysostosis multiplex  
Elevated bone scintigraphy uptake 
Hyperostosis +   
Hyperplastic callus formation  
Narrowing of medullary canal  
Neoplasm of the skeletal system +   
Skeletal dysplasia +   
Xanthoma of bone 

Exact Synonyms: Osteitis fibrosa cystica
Definition Sources: PMID:26354493

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