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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Ameliorated by +     
Ameliorated by carbohydrate ingestion 
Ameliorated by ethanol ingestion 
Ameliorated by ethosuximide 
Ameliorated by exposure to medication +   
Ameliorated by flexion 
Ameliorated by heat 
Ameliorated by ketogenic diet 
Ameliorated by lumbar puncture 
Ameliorated by menopause 
Ameliorated by nerve block 
Refers to a sign or symptom that is improved or made more bearable by anesthetic block of a nerve.
Ameliorated by niacin 
Ameliorated by potassium supplements 
Ameliorated by pregnancy 
Ameliorated by pyridoxal phosphate 
Ameliorated by riboflavin 
Ameliorated by ultraviolet light exposure 
Pain alleviated by testicle elevation 
Palpitations terminated by Valsava maneuver 

paths to the root