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Ontology Browser

Triggered by poison ivy, poson oak, or sumac (HP:4000121)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Triggered by +     
Chest pain triggered by palpitation 
Posterior vertebral body notching 
triggered by allergens 
Triggered by an abusive adult 
Triggered by cold 
Triggered by dehydration 
Triggered by electromagnetic field 
Triggered by emotion 
Triggered by excitement 
Triggered by exertion 
Triggered by exposure to medication +  
Triggered by extension of leg 
Triggered by fasting 
Triggered by febrile illness 
Triggered by food ingestion +   
Triggered by heat 
Triggered by high protein intake 
Triggered by hyperventilation 
Triggered by infection +  
Triggered by medication exposure +  
Triggered by menstruation 
Triggered by nickel 
Triggered by overhead motions 
Triggered by physical trauma +  
Triggered by poison ivy, poson oak, or sumac 
Applies to a sign or symptom that is provoked or brought about by exposure (cutaneous contact) to poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. These three plants each contain urushiol. Contact with these plants is the most common causes of clinically diagnosed allergic contact dermatitis.
Triggered by pregnancy 
Triggered by sleep deprivation 
Triggered by smoking 
Triggered by sound 
Triggered by stress 
Triggered by sudden movement 
Triggered by vaccination 
Triggered by vestibular stimulation 
Triggered by volatile organic compounds 

Exact Synonyms: Contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or sumac

paths to the root