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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal hyoglossus muscle morphology 
Abnormal lingual artery morphology 
Abnormal nasopharyngeal adenoid morphology +   
Abnormality of lingual tonsil 
An abnormality of a lingual tonsil.
Abnormality of the tongue muscle +   
Absent tonsils  
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the tongue +   
Bifid tongue  
Duplicated tongue 
Enlarged tonsils  
Furrowed tongue +   
Geographic tongue  
Lobulated tongue  
Macroglossia +   
Orange discolored tonsils  
Posteriorly placed tongue 
Protruding tongue  
Recurrent tonsillitis  
Smooth tongue  
Stiff tongue 
Strawberry tongue 
Tongue atrophy  
Tongue myxoma 
Tongue nodules  
Tongue telangiectasia  

Xrefs: UMLS:C4073283

paths to the root