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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal axial muscle morphology +   
Abnormal calcification of the carpal bones +   
Abnormal hyoglossus muscle morphology 
Abnormal lateral cricoarytenoid muscle morphology 
Abnormal mitochondria in muscle tissue  
Abnormal morphology of musculature of pharynx +   
Abnormal morphology of the abdominal musculature +   
Abnormal morphology of the chest musculature 
Abnormal morphology of the musculature of the neck +   
Abnormal morphology of the pelvis musculature +   
Abnormal morphology of the shoulder musculature 
Abnormal muscle fiber morphology +   
Abnormal muscle tissue enzyme activity or level +  
Abnormal muscle tissue metabolite concentration +   
Abnormality of facial musculature +   
Abnormality of muscle size +   
Abnormality of musculature of soft palate +  
Abnormality of the back musculature 
Abnormality of the diaphragm +   
Abnormality of the extraocular muscles +   
Abnormality of the musculature of the limbs +   
Abnormality of the musculature of the thorax +   
Abnormality of the tongue muscle +   
Adrenal calcification  
Calcific stippling +   
Calcification of cartilage +   
Calcification of muscles 
Deposition of calcium salts in muscle tissue.
Calcification of ribs +   
Calcinosis cutis  
Cardiovascular calcification +   
Cerebellar calcifications +   
Chondrocalcinosis +   
Decreased muscle mass  
Epiphyseal stippling +   
Fatty replacement of skeletal muscle  
Firm muscles  
Generalized muscular appearance from birth  
Gingival calcification 
Gonadal calcification  
Hepatic calcification  
Increased intramuscular fat  
Intervertebral disk calcification  
Intraalveolar nodular calcifications  
Intracranial calcification +   
Intramuscular hematoma  
Joint contracture +   
Laryngeal calcification  
Levator palpebrae superioris atrophy  
Muscle eosinophilia  
Muscle hemorrhage  
Muscular dystrophy +   
Muscular edema  
Myopathy +   
Pancreatic calcification  
Periarticular calcification  
Retinal calcification  
Rhabdomyolysis +   
Skeletal muscle atrophy +   
Skeletal muscle fibrosis  
Skeletal muscle hyperechogenicity 
Skeletal muscle hypertrophy +   
Skeletal muscle steatosis  
Sternal punctate calcifications  
Subcutaneous calcification  
Tarsal stippling  
Tracheal calcification  

Exact Synonyms: Skeletal muscle calcinosis
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:446993003 ;   UMLS:C2960760
Definition Sources:

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