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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal blistering of the skin +   
Abnormal cutaneous collagen fibril morphology +   
Abnormal cutaneous elastic fiber morphology +   
Abnormal dermis morphology +   
Abnormal dermoepidermal junction morphology +   
Abnormal elasticity of skin +   
Abnormal epidermal morphology +   
Abnormal fetal skin morphology +   
Abnormality of skin pigmentation +   
Cutaneous wound +   
Decreased skin turgor 
Dermal immune complex deposition 
Dermal translucency  
Dry skin  
Flaky paint dermatosis 
Generalized abnormality of skin +   
Keratosis pilaris  
Lichenification +   
Localized skin lesion +   
Pallor +   
Pigment incontinence  
Poikiloderma +   
Regional abnormality of skin +   
Skin infectious agent +  
Stiff skin  
Thickened skin +   
Tonofilament clumping  
Formation of lumps of tonofilaments, which are bundles of keratin filaments. In some but not all epithelia, keratin filaments are conspicuously bundled as tonofilaments. Inside the cell they braid the nucleus, span through the cytoplasm and are attached to the cytoplasmic plaques of the typical epithelial cell-cell junctions, the desmosomes.

Exact Synonyms: Clumping of the keratin tonofilaments
Definition Sources: PMID:18461349, PMID:7529919

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