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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal cellular physiology +   
Abnormal circulating metabolite concentration +   
Abnormal CSF metabolite concentration +   
Abnormal CSF protein concentration +   
Abnormal drug response +   
Abnormal enzyme concentration or activity +   
Abnormal erythrocyte sedimentation rate +   
Abnormal homeostasis +   
Abnormal metabolism +   
Abnormal salivary metabolite concentration +  
Abnormal stool composition +   
Abnormal tissue metabolite concentration +   
Abnormality of urine homeostasis +   
Acute phase response +   
Presence of one or more manifestations of the acute phase response. Acute phase proteins (APP) are blood proteins primarily synthesized by hepatocytes as part of the acute phase response (APR). The APR is part of the early-defense or innate immune system, which is triggered by different stimuli including trauma, infection, stress, neoplasia, and inflammation. The APR results in a complex systemic reaction with the goal of reestablishing homeostasis and promoting healing.
Amyloidosis +   
Ketosis +   
Positive infectious agent test +   
Presence of xenobiotic +   

Definition Sources: PMID:20034426, PMID:30137854

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