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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Ampulla of Vater carcinoma  
A carcinoma originating in the ampulla of Vater (also known as the hepatopancreatic duct), which is formed by the union of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct.
Anal margin neoplasm +   
Anal neoplasm +   
Benign gastrointestinal tract tumors  
Biliary tract neoplasm +   
Esophageal neoplasm +   
Gastrointestinal desmoid tumor  
Gastrointestinal stroma tumor  
Intestinal carcinoid  
Intestinal polyp +   
Malignant gastrointestinal tract tumors +   
Multiple intestinal neurofibromatosis 
Neoplasm of the large intestine +   
Neoplasm of the liver +   
Neoplasm of the small intestine +   
Neoplasm of the stomach +   
Primary peritoneal carcinoma  
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome  

Definition Sources: NCIT:C3908

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