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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal mandible condylar process morphology +   
Abnormal mandible coronoid process morphology 
Abnormal mandibular ramus morphology +   
Abnormality of the temporomandibular joint +   
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the mandible +   
Asymmetry of the mandible 
Broad jaw  
Fibrous syngnathia  
Foot osteomyelitis  
Fractured mandible 
Giant cell granuloma of mandible  
Increased size of the mandible  
Jaw ankylosis 
Mandibular cyst 
Mandibular osteolysis  
Mandibular osteomyelitis  
Osteomyelitis of the lower jaw.
Mandibular pain  
Mandibular prognathia  
Midline defect of mandible +   
Narrow jaw  
Obtuse angle of mandible  
Osteomyelitis leading to amputation due to slow healing fractures  
Recurrent mandibular subluxations  
Retrognathia +   
Salmonella osteomyelitis  
Thickened cortex of the mandible  

Exact Synonyms: Lower jaw bone infection ;   Osteomyelitis, especially of the mandible
Alternate IDs: HP:0005869
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:109695005 ;   UMLS:C1290708

paths to the root