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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal CNS myelination +   
Abnormal peripheral myelination +   
Acute episodes of neuropathic symptoms  
Chronic sensorineural polyneuropathy  
Congenital peripheral neuropathy  
Delayed myelination +   
Demyelinating peripheral neuropathy +   
Demyelinating neuropathy is characterized by slow nerve conduction velocities with reduced amplitudes of sensory/motor nerve conduction and prolonged distal latencies.
Entrapment neuropathy +   
Episodic peripheral neuropathy  
Hypermyelinated retinal nerve fibers  
Mixed demyelinating and axonal polyneuropathy  
Motor polyneuropathy +   
Multiple mononeuropathy 
Peripheral axonal neuropathy +   
Progressive peripheral neuropathy  
Sensorimotor neuropathy  
Sensorimotor polyneuropathy affecting arms more than legs 
Sensory neuropathy +   

Alternate IDs: HP:0007205
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:23414001 ;   UMLS:C0270922
Definition Sources:

paths to the root