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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Intestinal lymphangiectasia  
Pancreatic lymphangiectasis 
Pericardial lymphangiectasia  
Pleural lymphangiectasia  
Pulmonary lymphangiectasia  
Abnormal dilatation of the pulmonary lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic fluid in the lung is derived from normal leakage of fluid out of the blood capillaries in the lung. In pulmonary lymphangiectasia, the pulmonary lymphatics are not properly connected and become dilated with fluid.
Thyroid lymphangiectasia  

Exact Synonyms: Pulmonary lymphangiectasis
Alternate IDs: HP:0006526 ;   HP:0006551
Xrefs: UMLS:C1855480
Definition Sources:

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