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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal calcification of the carpal bones +   
Adrenal calcification  
Calcific stippling +   
Calcification of cartilage +   
Calcification of muscles 
Calcification of ribs +   
Calcinosis cutis  
Cardiovascular calcification +   
Cerebellar calcifications +   
Chondrocalcinosis +   
Epiphyseal stippling +   
Gingival calcification 
Gonadal calcification  
Hepatic calcification  
Herniation of intervertebral nuclei  
Increased intervertebral space  
Intervertebral disk calcification  
The presence of abnormal calcium deposition of the intervertebral disk.
Intervertebral disk degeneration  
Intervertebral space narrowing +   
Intraalveolar nodular calcifications  
Intracranial calcification +   
Laryngeal calcification  
Pancreatic calcification  
Periarticular calcification  
Retinal calcification  
Sternal punctate calcifications  
Subcutaneous calcification  
Tarsal stippling  
Tracheal calcification  

Exact Synonyms: Intervertebral disc calcification ;   Multiple intervertebral disc calcifications ;   Multiple intervertebral disk calcifications
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:240211000 ;   UMLS:C0410607
Definition Sources:

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