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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Exostoses +     
Exostoses of hand bones 
Exostoses of the forearm bones +  
Exostosis of the external auditory canal  
Fractured ilium 
Halberd-shaped pelvis  
Large pelvis bone 
Multiple exostoses +   
Narrow pelvis bone  
Pelvic bone asymmetry 
Pelvic bone exostoses  
A benign growth the projects outward from the bone surface of the pelvis. Exostoses are capped by cartilage, and arise from a bone that develops from cartilage.
Pelvis fracture +  
Rib exostoses  
Scapular exostoses  
Square pelvis bone  

Broad Synonyms: Pelvic exostoses
Xrefs: UMLS:C1844689
Definition Sources:

paths to the root