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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal anterior horn cell morphology +   
Abnormal CNS myelination +   
Abnormal cranial nerve morphology +   
Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology  
Abnormal peripheral myelination +   
An abnormality of the myelination of motor and sensory peripheral nerves. These are axons for motor nerves and dendrites for sensory nerves in the strict anatomic sense.
Abnormal peripheral nerve morphology by anatomical site +   
Amyloidosis of peripheral nerves  
Decreased size of nerve terminals  
Delayed myelination +   
Demyelinating peripheral neuropathy +   
Diffuse axonal swelling  
Enhanced neurotoxicity of vincristine 
Enlarged peripheral nerve  
Hypermyelinated retinal nerve fibers  
Hypertrophic nerve changes  
Increased peripheral nerve cross sectional area 
Metachromatic intraneuronal lipid deposits 
Minifascicle formation 
Mixed demyelinating and axonal polyneuropathy  
Neoplasm of the peripheral nervous system +   
Neuritis +  
Peripheral axon spheroid formation 
Peripheral axonal degeneration +   
Peripheral axonal distension 
Peripheral nerve compression  
Peripheral nerve polyglucosan inclusion bodies 
Reduced intraepidermal small nerve fiber density 

Alternate IDs: HP:0003408
Xrefs: UMLS:C4025648
Definition Sources: HPO_CONTRIBUTOR:jbaets,

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