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Ontology Browser

Increased circulating lactate concentration (HP:0002151)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Acidosis +     
Chronic acidosis +   
Hyperchloremic acidosis +   
Increased circulating lactate concentration +   
Abnormally increased level of blood lactate (2-hydroxypropanoic acid). Lactate is produced from pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase during normal metabolism. The terms lactate and lactic acid are often used interchangeably but lactate (the component measured in blood) is strictly a weak base whereas lactic acid is the corresponding acid. Lactic acidosis is often used clinically to describe elevated lactate but should be reserved for cases where there is a corresponding acidosis (pH below 7.35).
Ketoacidosis +   
Lactic acidosis +   
Metabolic acidosis +   
Respiratory acidosis +   

Exact Synonyms: Increased blood lactate ;   Increased serum lactate
Broad Synonyms: Higher than normal levels of lactate in blood
Alternate IDs: HP:0003638
Xrefs: UMLS:C1836440
Definition Sources:, PMID:24079682

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