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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Exostoses +     
Abnormality of the glenoid fossa +   
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the scapulae +   
Exostoses of hand bones 
Exostoses of the forearm bones +  
Exostosis of the external auditory canal  
Fractured scapula 
Horizontal inferior border of scapula  
Multiple exostoses +   
Pelvic bone exostoses  
Rib exostoses  
Scapular exostoses  
The presence of multiple exostoses on the scapula. An exostosis is a benign growth the projects outward from the bone surface. It is capped by cartilage.
Scapular winging  
Scapulohumeral synostosis  
Sclerotic scapulae  
Sprengel anomaly  
Thickening of the lateral border of the scapula  

Exact Synonyms: Scapulae exostoses ;   Shoulder bone exostoes
Xrefs: UMLS:C1851415
Definition Sources:

paths to the root