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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cytoplasmic U snRNP body  
histone pre-mRNA 3'end processing complex  
Mei2 nuclear dot complex 
multi-eIF complex  
nuclear RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex  
pre-snoRNP complex  
preribosome +   
ribonuclease P complex +   
ribosomal subunit +   
RNAi effector complex +   
signal recognition particle +   
small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex +   
Smp focus 
sno(s)RNA-containing ribonucleoprotein complex +   
spliceosomal complex +   
telomerase holoenzyme complex +   
TERT-RMRP complex  
A ribonucleoprotein complex that has RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) activity, and is composed of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and the non-coding RNA component of mitochondrial RNA processing endoribonuclease (RMRP).
translation initiation complex +   
translation initiation ternary complex  
translation preinitiation complex +   
viral RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex 
X chromosome located dosage compensation complex, transcription activating 

Exact Synonyms: telomerase reverse transcriptase:RMRP RNA complex
Definition Sources: GOC:bf, GOC:BHF, GOC:BHF_telomere, GOC:nc, PMID:19701182

paths to the root