positive regulation of calcineurin-mediated signaling +
positive regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol involved in cellular response to calcium ion
positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to calcium ion
Any positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling that is involved in cellular response to calcium ion.
positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to salt stress
positive regulation of CAMKK-AMPK signaling cascade
Exact Synonyms:
positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to Ca2+ ion
positive regulation of calcium-mediated signalling involved in cellular response to Ca2+ ion
positive regulation of calcium-mediated signalling involved in cellular response to calcium ion
up regulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to Ca2+ ion
up regulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to calcium ion
up-regulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in response to calcium ion
upregulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to Ca2+ ion
upregulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to calcium ion
Narrow Synonyms:
activation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to Ca2+ ion
activation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to calcium ion
stimulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to Ca2+ ion
stimulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to calcium ion