agglutination involved in conjugation with cellular fusion
agglutination involved in conjugation with mutual genetic exchange
aggressive behavior +
behavioral defense response +
behavioral response to nutrient +
behavioral response to pain +
behavioral response to water deprivation
behavioral response to wounding
chemosensory behavior +
crying behavior
exploration behavior +
feeding behavior +
flocculation +
foraging behavior +
general adaptation syndrome, behavioral process
grooming behavior +
hatching behavior
host-seeking behavior +
larval behavior +
learning or memory +
locomotory behavior +
mechanosensory behavior +
motor behavior +
negative regulation of behavior +
olfactory sociosexual communication
The use of external chemical cues called pheromones to send social and sexual information between members of the same species, leading to specific behavioral responses. Pheromones may be detected by two olfactory sensory circuits, the main olfactory pathway and the vomeronasal system.