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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
glycocalyx +     
stereocilium +     
actin filament bundle of stereocilium 
lysosomal glycocalyx 
platelet glycocalyx 
slime layer 
sperm glycocalyx  
stereocilium base  
stereocilium coat  
A glycocalyx on the the endolymphatic surface of a cochlear hair cell that coats the external surface of each stereocilium and maintains a small distance between adjacent stereocilia in the bundle.
stereocilium membrane  
stereocilium shaft  
stereocilium tip  
vascular endothelial glycocalyx 

Exact Synonyms: stereocilium glycocalyx
Broad Synonyms: auditory hair cell glycocalyx
Definition Sources: GOC:krc, ISBN:9781461268918, PMID:31444330, PMID:3583936

paths to the root