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Ontology Browser

aminoacyl-tRNA metabolism involved in translational fidelity (GO:0106074)
Annotations: Rat: (13) Mouse: (12) Human: (16) Chinchilla: (1) Bonobo: (13) Dog: (15) Squirrel: (14) Pig: (13) Naked Mole-rat: (13) Green Monkey: (11)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
aminoacyl-tRNA metabolism involved in translational fidelity  
Any process which detects an amino-acid acetylated tRNA is charged with the correct amino acid, or removes incorrect amino acids from a charged tRNA. This process can be performed by tRNA synthases, or by subsequent reactions after tRNA aminoacylation.
negative regulation of translational fidelity 
negative regulation of tRNA metabolic process +   
positive regulation of translational fidelity  
positive regulation of tRNA metabolic process +   
regulation of cytoplasmic translational fidelity  
regulation of tRNA metabolic process +   
tRNA aminoacylation +   
tRNA decay +   
tRNA end turnover 
tRNA processing +   
tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine metabolic process +   
tRNA transcription +   

Related Synonyms: aminoacyl-tRNA correction ;   aminoacyl-tRNA editin ;   aminoacyl-tRNA proofreading
Definition Sources: GOC:hjd

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