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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cell-cell junction maintenance +   
establishment of synaptic specificity at neuromuscular junction  
maintenance of synapse structure +   
A process that preserves the structural organistation and orientation of a synaptic cellular component such as the synaptic cytoskeleton and molecular scaffolds.
modification of synaptic structure +   
multiple spine synapse organization +   
negative regulation of synapse organization +   
neuromuscular junction development +   
neurotransmitter-gated ion channel clustering +   
postsynapse organization +   
presynapse organization +   
presynaptic active zone organization +   
presynaptic membrane organization +   
regulation of synapse organization +   
synapse assembly +   
synapse maturation +   
synapse pruning +   
synaptic membrane adhesion +   
synaptic membrane adhesion to extracellular matrix  

Exact Synonyms: synaptic maintenance
Definition Sources: GOC:dos, PMID:24449494, PMID:25611509

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