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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
apoptotic body 
A vesicle containing parts of a dying cell. Apoptotic bodies can be formed during the execution phase of the apoptotic process, when the cell's cytoskeleton breaks up and causes the membrane to bulge outward. These bulges may separate from the cell, taking a portion of cytoplasm with them, to become apoptotic bodies. These are then engulfed by phagocytic cells, and their components recycled. Apoptotic bodies may range in size from 0.8 to 5um.
bacterial extracellular vesicle 
bacterial outer membrane vesicle 
extracellular exosome +   
microvesicle +   

Exact Synonyms: apoptotic vesicle
Related Synonyms: apoptotic bleb
Definition Sources: GOC:mtg_apoptosis, GOC:vesicles, PMID:15242875, PMID:24223256, Wikipedia:Apoptosis, Wikipedia:Bleb_(cell_biology)

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