establishment of synaptic specificity at neuromuscular junction
Golgi vesicle bud deformation and release
intermembrane lipid transfer +
lysosomal membrane organization +
maintenance of synapse structure +
membrane addition at site of cytokinesis +
membrane assembly +
membrane bending +
membrane disassembly +
membrane fission +
membrane fusion +
membrane invagination +
membrane raft organization +
membrane tubulation +
midbody abscission
mitochondrial membrane organization +
mitotic nuclear membrane biogenesis
modification of synaptic structure +
multiple spine synapse organization +
negative regulation of synapse organization +
neuromuscular junction development +
neuronal ion channel clustering +
neurotransmitter-gated ion channel clustering +
nuclear envelope organization +
nuclear membrane organization +
phospholipid transfer to membrane
plasma membrane organization +
plastid membrane organization +
postsynapse organization +
postsynaptic membrane organization +
presynapse organization +
presynaptic active zone organization +
presynaptic membrane organization +
A process which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a presynaptic membrane, including any proteins associated with the membrane, but excluding other cellular components. A presynaptic membrane is a specialized area of membrane of the axon terminal that faces the plasma membrane of the neuron or muscle fiber with which the axon terminal establishes a synaptic junction.
protein insertion into membrane +
protein transport within lipid bilayer +
regulation of membrane lipid distribution +
regulation of synapse organization +
spore membrane bending pathway
synapse assembly +
synapse maturation +
synapse pruning +
synaptic membrane adhesion +
synaptic membrane adhesion to extracellular matrix