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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adaptive immune memory response +   
age-related resistance +  
antibacterial innate immune response  
antifungal innate immune response +   
antiviral innate immune response  
complement activation, alternative pathway +   
complement activation, lectin pathway +   
hemolymph coagulation 
host-mediated suppression of symbiont invasion  
immunological memory formation process +   
induced systemic resistance +   
innate immune response in mucosa  
innate immunity memory response +  
An immune response mediated by the innate immune system and directed against a previously encountered immunologic stimulus, being quicker and quantitatively better compared with the initial response to that stimulus.
melanization defense response +  
natural killer cell activation involved in immune response +   
natural killer cell mediated immunity +   
negative regulation of innate immune response +   
plant-type hypersensitive response +  
positive regulation of innate immune response +   
regulation of innate immune response +   
response to type I interferon +   
response to type II interferon +   
response to type III interferon +   
RNAi-mediated antiviral immune response +  

Definition Sources: GOC:add, PMID:26086132

paths to the root