The cellular component organization process in which microparticles bud off from a parent cell. A microparticle is a phospholipid microvesicle that is derived from any of several cell types, such as platelets, blood cells, endothelial cells, or others, and contains membrane receptors as well as other proteins characteristic of the parental cell.
cardiac chamber formation +
cell junction organization +
cell projection organization +
cellular anatomical entity morphogenesis +
cellular component assembly +
cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis +
cellular component disassembly +
cellular component maintenance +
cellularization +
central nervous system formation
cephalic furrow formation
cerebellar cortex formation +
cerebellar granular layer formation +
cerebellar molecular layer formation +
cerebellar Purkinje cell layer formation +
cerebellum formation
chorion micropyle formation
chromatin organization +
cilium attachment to cell body
cleistothecium formation
cranial nerve formation +
cytoplasm organization +
dentinogenesis +
dorsal appendage formation
dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve formation +
ectodermal placode formation +
eggshell formation +
embryonic camera-type eye formation +
endocardial cushion formation +
endocardium formation
endomembrane system organization +
external encapsulating structure organization +
extracellular structure organization +
floor plate formation
floral whorl formation
flower formation
formation of anatomical boundary +
formation of infection structure +
formation of primary germ layer +
fungiform papilla formation
ganglion formation +
germarium-derived egg chamber formation +
germinal center formation +
heart rudiment formation +
heart valve formation +
hindbrain formation +
hypophysis formation
inferior olivary nucleus formation
kidney rudiment formation +
labyrinthine layer formation
lamina terminalis formation
layer formation in cerebral cortex +
leaflet formation +
limb bud formation +
locus ceruleus formation
lung lobe formation
lymphangiogenesis +
mammary gland bud formation +
mammary gland formation +
medulla oblongata formation +
membrane organization +
metanephric cap formation +
microtubule organizing center attachment site organization