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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
apoptotic body 
bacterial extracellular vesicle 
bacterial outer membrane vesicle 
extracellular exosome +   
microvesicle +   
An extracellular membrane-bounded vesicle that contains prominin proteins (in mouse Prom1/CD33 or Prom2) and are found in body fluids including ventricular fluid, saliva, urine and seminal fluid. In the ventricular fluid of the developing mouse brain two major classes of these particles have been observed (P2 particles of 500-1000 nm and P4 particles of 50-80 nm) which likely originate from microvilli, primary cilia and/or the midbody of neuroepithelial cells. The physiological role is not known.

Exact Synonyms: prominin-containing extracellular membrane vesicle
Definition Sources: GOC:vesicles, PMID:15976444, PMID:17109118, PMID:17283184

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