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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cellular response to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 
cellular response to 1-oleoyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate  
cellular response to 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine  
cellular response to 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide 
cellular response to acadesine  
cellular response to acetate  
cellular response to acetylcholine +   
cellular response to acrylamide 
cellular response to actinomycin D  
cellular response to alcohol +   
cellular response to aldehyde +   
cellular response to aluminum ion  
cellular response to amyloid-beta  
cellular response to antimycin A 
cellular response to arsenite ion  
cellular response to arsenite(3-)  
cellular response to ATP +   
cellular response to bacteriocin 
cellular response to benzoic acid 
cellular response to bile acid  
cellular response to biotin 
cellular response to bisphenol A  
cellular response to bleomycin  
cellular response to brassinosteroid stimulus +  
cellular response to brefeldin A 
cellular response to cadmium ion +   
cellular response to calcium ion +   
cellular response to cAMP  
cellular response to carbohydrate stimulus +   
cellular response to carbon dioxide  
cellular response to carbon monoxide  
cellular response to catecholamine stimulus +   
cellular response to cesium ion 
cellular response to cGMP  
cellular response to chitin 
cellular response to chloramphenicol 
cellular response to chlorate 
cellular response to chondroitin 4'-sulfate 
cellular response to chondroitin 6'-sulfate 
cellular response to chromate  
cellular response to cobalamin 
cellular response to cobalt ion  
cellular response to cocaine  
cellular response to copper ion +   
cellular response to cordycepin  
cellular response to cyclosporin A 
cellular response to cytochalasin B  
cellular response to D-galactosamine  
cellular response to diethyl maleate 
cellular response to dinitrophenol 
cellular response to dithiothreitol  
cellular response to erythromycin 
cellular response to estradiol stimulus  
cellular response to ether +   
cellular response to fatty acid +   
cellular response to flavonoid +   
cellular response to folic acid  
cellular response to gibberellin stimulus +   
cellular response to glucoside  
cellular response to glutathione  
cellular response to glycine  
cellular response to glycoprotein +   
cellular response to heparin  
cellular response to hesperadin 
cellular response to histidine 
cellular response to homocysteine  
cellular response to hydroperoxide +   
cellular response to indolebutyric acid stimulus 
cellular response to inositol 
cellular response to iron ion +   
cellular response to kainic acid  
cellular response to ketone +   
cellular response to L-arginine  
cellular response to L-canavanine 
cellular response to L-cysteine 
cellular response to L-dopa  
cellular response to L-glutamate  
cellular response to L-glutamine  
cellular response to L-leucine  
cellular response to L-thialysine 
cellular response to lead ion  
cellular response to lipopolysaccharide +   
cellular response to lipoteichoic acid  
cellular response to lithium ion  
cellular response to magnesium ion  
cellular response to manganese ion +   
cellular response to mercury ion  
cellular response to methionine  
cellular response to methotrexate 
cellular response to methyl methanesulfonate  
cellular response to micafungin 
cellular response to muramyl dipeptide  
cellular response to mycophenolic acid  
cellular response to N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 
cellular response to nickel ion 
cellular response to nitrate 
cellular response to nitric oxide  
cellular response to nitrite  
cellular response to nitrogen dioxide  
cellular response to nitroglycerin  
cellular response to papulacandin B 
cellular response to peptide hormone stimulus +   
cellular response to peptidoglycan  
cellular response to phenylalanine  
cellular response to phosphatidylethanolamine 
cellular response to platinum ion 
cellular response to potassium ion +   
cellular response to proline 
cellular response to prostaglandin I stimulus 
cellular response to puromycin  
cellular response to pyrimidine ribonucleotide  
cellular response to reactive oxygen species +   
cellular response to resveratrol  
cellular response to retinoic acid +   
cellular response to salicylic acid stimulus +  
cellular response to selenite ion  
cellular response to selenium ion 
cellular response to serotonin  
cellular response to silicon dioxide 
cellular response to silver ion 
cellular response to sodium dodecyl sulfate  
cellular response to sterol +   
cellular response to streptomycin 
cellular response to strigolactone 
cellular response to sulfur dioxide 
cellular response to tacrolimus 
cellular response to tellurium ion 
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a tellurium ion stimulus.
cellular response to tetrahydrofolate  
cellular response to thyroxine stimulus  
cellular response to trichostatin A  
cellular response to triglyceride  
cellular response to vanadate(3-) 
cellular response to vitamin B2 
cellular response to vitamin B6 
cellular response to vitamin D +   
cellular response to vitamin E  
cellular response to water stimulus +   
cellular response to zinc ion  

Exact Synonyms: cellular response to tellurium
Definition Sources: GOC:mah

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