The autophagy process which begins when chaperones and co-chaperones recognize a target motif and unfold the substrate protein. The proteins are then transported to the lysosome where they are degraded.
crinophagy +
epidermal growth factor catabolic process
glycoprotein catabolic process +
hemoglobin catabolic process
histone catabolic process
insulin catabolic process
lipoprotein catabolic process +
low-density lipoprotein particle receptor catabolic process +
macroautophagy +
microautophagy +
mitochondrial protein catabolic process
negative regulation of autophagy +
negative regulation of protein catabolic process +
positive regulation of autophagy +
positive regulation of protein catabolic process +
prosthetic group catabolic process
proteasomal protein catabolic process +
protein catabolic process at synapse +
protein catabolic process in the vacuole +
protein denaturation
protein targeting to vacuole involved in autophagy +
proteolysis involved in protein catabolic process +
PSII associated light-harvesting complex II catabolic process +