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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
blood circulation +     
heart process +     
blood vessel diameter maintenance +   
cerebral blood circulation +   
epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process +  
G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process +   
gastric mucosal blood circulation +   
heart contraction +   
The multicellular organismal process in which the heart decreases in volume in a characteristic way to propel blood through the body.
monocyte migration into blood stream 
negative regulation of blood circulation +   
positive regulation of blood circulation +   
regulation of blood circulation +   
regulation of blood pressure +   
regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by atrial baroreceptor feedback 
regulation of vascular permeability +   

Exact Synonyms: heart beating
Related Synonyms: cardiac contraction ;   hemolymph circulation
Definition Sources: GOC:dph

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