anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis +
anatomical structure morphogenesis +
anatomical structure regression +
animal gross anatomical part developmental process
cellular developmental process +
dedifferentiation +
developmental growth +
developmental induction +
developmental maturation +
developmental process involved in reproduction +
dormancy process +
maintenance of cell number +
meristem initiation +
modulation of formation of symbiont germ tube hook structure for appressorium development +
modulation of penetration peg formation +
modulation of symbiont haustorium neck formation for entry into host +
myxococcal fruiting body development
negative regulation of 3'-UTR-mediated mRNA stabilization
negative regulation of action potential +
negative regulation of border follicle cell delamination
negative regulation of cardiac conduction
negative regulation of cellular pH reduction +
negative regulation of cellular process +
negative regulation of circadian rhythm +
negative regulation of developmental pigmentation +
negative regulation of developmental process +
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate or extent of development, the biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an organism over time from an initial condition (e.g. a zygote, or a young adult) to a later condition (e.g. a multicellular animal or an aged adult).
negative regulation of entry of bacterium into host cell
negative regulation of establishment of protein-containing complex localization to telomere
negative regulation of establishment of RNA localization to telomere
negative regulation of excitatory postsynaptic potential +
negative regulation of fibrinolysis
negative regulation of formation of structure involved in a symbiotic process +
negative regulation of gene silencing by regulatory ncRNA +
negative regulation of growth +
negative regulation of GTPase activity
negative regulation of hemostasis +
negative regulation of immune system process +
negative regulation of interphase mitotic telomere clustering
negative regulation of kainate selective glutamate receptor signaling pathway
negative regulation of lipid localization +
negative regulation of locomotion +
negative regulation of long-term synaptic depression
negative regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation
negative regulation of membrane depolarization +
negative regulation of membrane hyperpolarization
negative regulation of membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential +
negative regulation of mitotic telomere tethering at nuclear periphery
negative regulation of multicellular organismal process +
negative regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing +
negative regulation of receptor localization to synapse
negative regulation of receptor-mediated virion attachment to host cell
negative regulation of reproductive process +
negative regulation of response to stimulus +
negative regulation of short-term synaptic potentiation
negative regulation of signaling +
negative regulation of telomerase RNA localization to Cajal body
negative regulation of transformation of host cell by virus
negative regulation of transport +
negative regulation of viral process +
plant gross anatomical part developmental process
plant organ senescence +
positive regulation of developmental process +
regulation of adipose tissue development +
regulation of age-related resistance +
regulation of aggregation involved in sorocarp development +
regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis +
regulation of anterior head development +
regulation of apoptotic process involved in development +
regulation of ascospore-type prospore membrane formation +
regulation of blastocyst development
regulation of blood microparticle formation +
regulation of bone trabecula formation +
regulation of cardiac chamber formation +
regulation of cardiac ventricle development +
regulation of cell differentiation +
regulation of cell fate commitment +
regulation of cell fate determination +
regulation of conidiophore stalk development +
regulation of dendrite development +
regulation of dendritic spine development +
regulation of dermatome development +
regulation of development, heterochronic +
regulation of developmental growth +
regulation of developmental process +
regulation of ectoderm development +
regulation of embryonic camera-type eye development +
regulation of embryonic skeletal joint development +
regulation of endosperm development +
regulation of entry into reproductive diapause +
regulation of epidermis development +
regulation of female pigmentation +
regulation of floral organ abscission +
regulation of germ tube formation +
regulation of gonad development +
regulation of hair follicle maturation +
regulation of haustorium mother cell formation +
regulation of hemocyte proliferation +
regulation of infection cushion formation +
regulation of kidney development +
regulation of leaf development +
regulation of leaf senescence +
regulation of lung alveolus development +
regulation of male pigmentation +
regulation of mating projection assembly +
regulation of mating type switching +
regulation of meristem development +
regulation of meristem structural organization
regulation of mesoderm development +
regulation of mesoderm formation +
regulation of multicellular organismal development +
regulation of muscle organ development +
regulation of muscle tissue development +
regulation of myotome development +
regulation of neural retina development +
regulation of neuron projection regeneration +
regulation of ovarian follicle development +
regulation of pronephric nephron tubule development +
regulation of retina development in camera-type eye +
regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death +
regulation of root development +
regulation of salivary gland boundary specification +
regulation of sclerotium development +
regulation of sclerotome development +
regulation of shoot system development +
regulation of somatic muscle development +
regulation of sorocarp development +
regulation of spore germination +
regulation of spore-bearing organ development +
regulation of sporulation +
regulation of stem cell population maintenance +
regulation of synapse maturation +
regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion +
regulation of tube lumen cavitation +
regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation +