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Ontology Browser

detection of light stimulus involved in sensory perception (GO:0050962)
Annotations: Rat: (25) Mouse: (27) Human: (26) Chinchilla: (23) Bonobo: (25) Dog: (26) Squirrel: (26) Pig: (26) Naked Mole-rat: (24) Green Monkey: (25)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception +   
detection of electrical stimulus involved in sensory perception +  
detection of humidity stimulus involved in sensory perception +  
detection of light stimulus involved in sensory perception +   
The series of events in which a light stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal as part of the sensory perception of light.
detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception +   
detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain +   
detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception +   
detection of UV +   
detection of visible light +   
light absorption +   
phototransduction +   
visual perception +   

Exact Synonyms: sensory detection of light stimulus ;   sensory detection of light stimulus during sensory perception ;   sensory perception, sensory detection of light stimulus ;   sensory perception, sensory transduction of light stimulus ;   sensory transduction of light stimulus ;   sensory transduction of light stimulus during sensory perception
Definition Sources: GOC:ai, GOC:dos

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